
Happy 4th of July!


Dear America,

This isn’t your greatest year.  It’s totally not your fault.  You are, of course, an inanimate object so you don’t have thoughts or feelings.


Anyway, I want to say that I still love you.  I love what you stand for, regardless of what the administration says you are.  I love that one of your national symbols is the Statue of Liberty who welcomes everyone into this amazing melting pot of diversity.  I love that people still have the chance to get that “American Dream.”


That dream is becoming ever more elusive due to the hatred and fear that is running rampant thanks to the new administration.  I hate that people have to live in fear because of their religion or the color of their skin.  I fire3hate that some people might die without their necessary medications.  I hate that the President of the United States condones and supports the hate and the fear.  Mostly, I’m just sad that my country, the country that I would have given my life for, is not the America she used to be.

However, I have faith.  I have faith that this is just a dark spot in what will be a shining future.  I have faith that Americans can pull together to support each other in our time of need.  I have faith that love trumps hate and that love conquers fear.  I still have faith in the country that has found itself countless times after tragedy.

Happy Birthday, America.  Here’s to overcoming adversity and finding the light at the end of the tunnel.



Alternative Facts

Since alternative facts are a real thing now, I have some about Donald.

  1. His hair is real.
  2. He’s not actually orange.  That’s normal coloring.
  3. He has normal sized hands.

These aren’t falsehoods, by the way.  They are just alternative facts.

Do you have any alternative facts you’d like to share?

#Why I March

On Wednesday, I fell on the ice and tore some cartilage in my knee so unfortunately, I can’t be out in the street marching today.  I desperately wish I could be there physically but I am 100% there in spirit.

So, why do I march?  Well…

I march for those who are marginalized.  I march for those who are forgotten.  I march for those who are alone.  I march for those who are afraid.  I march for peace and justice and all that is good and loving in this world.

I consider myself to be a patriot, though maybe not in the way Trump thinks I should be.

I deeply believe in the American values of equality for ALL people regardless of race, creed, religion, gender identity, or sexuality.  I believe in America as a melting pot, once revered for welcoming the poor, huddled masses.  I believe that America IS already great and her spirit is indomitable.

I believe in America. I’m afraid for my country in this dark hour, but we’ve always been strongest when tested. We will weather this storm.

It will be a rough four years and we will not be the same in the end. I do not know if we will be better or worse but I am hopeful that, if we work together, we will all be alright.

A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes

I had an amazing dream last night.

Obama’s last order in office was to have Seal Team Six kidnap Donald Trump on Inauguration Day and stuff him in a Port-o-Potty.  Then, Alec Baldwin as Donald, Beck Bennett as Mike Pence and Kate McKinnon as Kellyanne Conway all go up as Donald is to be sworn into office.

Chief Justice Roberts senses something isn’t right.

“HEY!  Aren’t you–“

“Yes, I am the Donald,” says Alec Baldwin.

Kate McKinnon nods her head neurotically as only Kellyanne can.

“Oh…riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.”  Chief Justice Roberts is on to them now.  He swears in Alec Baldwin as the 45th President of the United States and the entire fucking world breathes a sigh of relief.

It’s about this time that Seal Team Six frees the real Donald Trump from the Port-o-Potty.  Naturally, he’s covered in the blue goo because they literally stuffed him in the toilet.  He’s very upset and throwing a tantrum so the Senate agrees to hear him out.  

After a joint hearing with the Senate and the House, they decide that since Alec Baldwin was already sworn in, it’s probably easier to just let him run the country.  However, he has to promise to spend the next four years impersonating Donald Trump and anytime he is out of costume he must pretend to be Donald Trump impersonating Alec Baldwin.  He agrees.

As his first presidential act, Alec-Donald gets rid of all the stupid cabinet picks and fills all the positions with actually qualified people.  We spend the next four years not fucking ourselves and the world is actually really impressed with how ingenious America can be when we back ourselves into a corner.

The angry white men are still angry but they end up being the only losers in the end.

Unfortunately, it was all just a dream and Donald Trump himself was sworn in as America’s 45th President.

God help us.

Godspeed, America.

It might surprise some people to learn that I spent many years planning to join the army.  I would work out in my room every night before bed doing 1000 sit-ups, 1000 push-ups, 1000 jumping-jacks, and running in place for 30 minutes.  Even my plans for veterinary school tied in with my dream of becoming an officer with the Army Corps of Veterinarians.  Unfortunately, celiac disease crushed those dreams.

Now, I spend my time researching the best ways to protect the cultural heritage of the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria.  I’m working towards a graduate degree in Museum Studies and Non-Profit Management.  My entire future is looking towards preventing war and working with our allies, and even our enemies, to protect our human heritage.

I consider myself to be extremely patriotic though I’m sure many Republicans would argue with me on that.  On the eve of an inauguration that threatens everything I have worked for and everything I believe in, I am afraid for my country.  I am hoping beyond hope that Trump will succeed, certainly not in fulfilling his campaign promises, but in leading America through a storm of his own creation.

At this time, I implore everyone to reach across the aisle and work together in every way.  We need each other desperately right now.  We cannot be men, women, conservatives, liberals, Christian, Jewish, or Muslim any longer.  We must go forward as humans and do what is best for humanity.